Browsing SQL Data Services (SDS) ~ Bitácora del Desarrollador

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Browsing SQL Data Services (SDS)

Investigando la tecnología de SQL Data Services, me he encontrado con que Microsoft aún no nos ha provisto con un IDE al mejor estilo SQL Managment Studio para explorar las entidad y contenedores.
Bueno como preguntando se llega a Roma, y el Sr. Gaurav Mantri me ha comentado que han desarrollado una aplicación basada en la Silverlight llamada Omega.SDSClient.

Es una herramienta muy simples con la que puedes hacer Management de Authorities, Containers, Flexible Entities y Blob Entities.
Por ahora es un Beta y funciona muy bien.


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4 comentarios:

Gaurav Mantri dijo...


We have released a new version of Omega.SDSClient. We have completely overhauled the user interface of Omega.SDSClient. In the new version, we have used a more developer friendly "tree view" layout where your authorities & containers are displayed in a tree view and the entities belonging in a container are displayed as tabbed item. Furthermore we have included the functionality where a user can temporarily hide authorities & containers from the plain view.
The new version is available at and a user guide for the same is available at


Gaurav Mantri
Cerebrata Software

Gaurav Mantri dijo...


A new version of Omega.SDSClient is available:

What's new:

1. Querying capability – We have included a functionality where you can write and execute queries against a container. Currently we have taken an easy way out and are displaying query results as sent by SDS (in XML format). In next version we will try and display it in a datagrid format. To invoke querying capability, either use Container context menu or Query icon in the entity panel.

2. 500+ entities – We have included this functionality where you can progressively get 500+ entities. It’s not an automated process but rather a manual process i.e. after 500 entities are displayed, then you have to click on "Get More Entities" button to get the next batch.

3. Grid View for Entities – This is another view for displaying entities in a container. Under grid view, you can group the entities by “Entity Kind” and sort your entities as well. To group the entities by Entity Kind, just drag the "Entity Kind" header and place it over the text which reads “Drag a column header and drop it here to group by that column”. To ungroup it, just drag the "Entity Kind" column from the top and place it back on the data grid.

Do try it out and let us know what you think. As always feedback & feature requests are much appreciated.

Link is:


Gaurav Mantri
Cerebrata Software

Seba dijo...

Hi Gaurav,
I tried the new version, is excellent.

I have some quiestions.
How do joins between tables?

Can you allow change the service URL?
Users can also check their accounts in Azure projects (eg

Gaurav Mantri dijo...

Hi Sebastián,

Thanks for your comments.

Regarding Joins, please refer to MSDN documentation by using the link below:

I am not sure I understand your question about changing service URLs. If you mean you would want to connect to both your SDS and Azure Table repository using Omega.SDSClien, then I am sorry you can't do it with this. Currently this product only supports SDS and does not support Azure Table storage.

Please feel free to contact me directly at gmantri at cerebrata dot com if you need further assistance.


Gaurav Mantri
Cerebrata Software